Agreeable Strangers

“As you wander on thru life brother whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.”

  • on the Mayflower donut box

There was a time, (pre-digital), there wasn't a donut or coffee shop on every corner, so we drove 8 miles to the Mayflower Donut shop! Each dozen box of donuts had this ditty on it. (This was also before "I'm Ok- You're Ok et al.)

What does this have to do with photography? As I wander through my day I keep my eye on the people - these are the donuts I came across.

The Musician! I followed the sound of an amplified guitar and discovered Skunk sitting and playing. My first thought is" homeless", but then he's got this expensive guitar and amplifier and making some enjoyable sounds. As I walk closer. I see he's topless, showered, shaved and clean. We speak awhile - he has a gym membership and works out every morning then showers afterward. He goes to his storage unit where he has his musical equipment, computer and accessories, then goes out busking for the day to earn money. He purchased an electric bike with a trailer so he can travel farther and has an album coming out in a week. His story goes on - a very interesting guy.

One of the longtime employee's of Lundy's services, Sara works the ice cream truck. She travels the Country and provides food services for large events , likes this one - The Grand Prix, St. Petersburg. A quiet, pleasant and competent woman, working hard and treating people well. A joy!

Karla, ("with a k"!), with Buddy, her schnauzer, meet their friends every other day at the park. She meets with Lee and her dog.

When I tried to include Lee in the conversation she said she "prefers Karla do the talking."

Karla said she's always had a dog - whippets, dobermans and lots of others. "I've always had dogs except for 3 days in my life."

Buddy sat at her feet attentive to Karla, interested and obedient.

Dave is a certified Emergency Service Worker for Pinellas County and works all kinds of emergency situations for the County - hurricanes, power outages, fires, natural disasters.

He has volunteered to work the Grand Prix for many years. He was operating the elevator for the disabled attendees at the temporary bleachers set up at for the races. Fortunately if all goes well it turns out to be a LONG boring day. There was also little demand for the elevator as well. He had hours to talk, I would of liked to listen, but didn't have as much time!

Willen is 89 yrs old, her husband passed 6 years ago. She has 4 grown kids, all very successful with kids - a pharmacist, a manager of the 25 DC libraries, an oncologist and a lawyer.

They had there 1st boy who was “very difficult.” They did have family to help babysit, then thought they should have a companion for him, a girl. #2 turned out to be another boy. To balance things out they wanted a girl and sure enough #3 was a girl. "#4 just wasn't in the plan - also a girl.” Yes, she’s very proud of her kids and her accomplishments.

I could, as they say “ write a book” on the topics we touch upon that day!

At work at 7am Seth was at work grilling and working the cook table preparing and cooking the food - chicken, steak, lamb, gyro's meat, greek foods, sausage and peppers. He worked throughout the day till close atabout 8pm. Then cleanup of the grills and tables He was still at it at 10pm when I left. Seth has been doing it for the last 9 months. When they are working an event or fair it's long hours They get time off as they travel across the country and he says he enjoys doing it. "Lundy's a good company to work for."

At Charlie Browns farm (really, a quick stop, ice cream shop, tourist joint, dinosaur farm, groceries, wind chimes, bird houses, jellies, jams, grill items and more. If they don't have it, you don't need it.

Judy was born in Cleveland. She worked for Hilton hotels her entire career, First on the sales staff then moved to administration "so I wouldn't have odd hours, and would get a bonus. They subsequently moved to the San Fernando valley where she lived until she and her husband Jim retired to Pearblossom.

Jimmy is retired and lives in Kentucky. He ran a funeral home and was elected Coroner when the previous coroner retired - he wasn't going to run against an incumbent - just not done!

He works hard but selectively, (meaning when they really need him, which is always), for Lundy Services across the country. They hire a trucking service to get the trailers and supplies wherever they need to be. Jimmy works mostly on events in Kentucky, and nearby states, and some big events like Grand Prix, which he done for the last 15 years.

He has 3 grand kids he's really proud of including "a grand daughter whose a photographer!"

I met Buddy at the Auburndale Diner. He was slowly, awkwardly moving toward this big, shiny, 3 wheel Harley. He was disabled in a crane accident 21 years ago. " I was 35 feet in the air, working on a crane. They teach you to use a 2 point safety harness. I attached one side of the harness, another part got caught in a gear and pulled me all over. I hung their for 45 minutes before the firemen got me down." He spent 7 months in the hospital with a brain injury and broken bones. He's now 43.

He was proud of where he is in life. He showed me a pictures of his house, (inside and out), on a lake in Bartow. He wants me to send a picture to a girl friend that he is interested in, although he hasn't emailed me yet.


Agreeable Stranger III


in the wall